2020 Goals

I posted last week about my Q1 financial goals and this week I just wanted to share my non-financial goals.

If you missed that post, you can check it out HERE and here is the summary:

Q1 Financial Goals Summary

-Husband Finance Takeover/Role Swap

-Account audit and simplification (of our 30+ freaking financial accounts!)

-Online security audit/Password Manager setup

-Clean up our financial trackers/spreadsheets

-Keep spending at $10,000 and save the rest

-Have 50 “No Spend” days

-Monthly couples massages

-One dine out and one dine in per month

-Continue to meet each Sunday for our “weekly household meeting”

-Validate/review one of our longer-term calculations (retirement amount/date)

-Generate side hustle income of $4000 (my personal goal, carried forward from 2019)

The 2020 big 3 FOCUS GOALS

If you are like me, you struggle to prioritize your goals. They are all so important to me! Before I prioritized my goals, I would do a little bit of everything and feel like I was never making progress on anything. This is why I know that I have to ruthlessly focus on prioritizing so that I can actually make meaningful progress.

The new strategy is to do at least one task each day towards each of the following top 3 goals:

1. Double Content. I added up the count of published pieces of content in 2019 and plan to double that amount of content in 2020. This includes doubling the number of Meetups I host, speaking gigs, clients served, blog posts posted, YouTube videos posted, social media posts, weekly/monthly challenges, etc…)

2. Dos Commas. Mr. FinanceRox and I have been aggressively saving money so that we can someday join the double comma net worth club. We won’t hit two commas in 2020 but will continue to work on creating additional income streams, being more valuable in the marketplace (education/certifications/practice), finding new ways to save money, etc…

3. Pull up. If only I could use my legs to do pull ups! I’ve got strong legs from running which is great but probably is contributing to why it is so difficult to hoist my body with just my arms. My upper body strength is basically non-existent, so I’ve been on a several year long journey to improve the top half.  Having never done a pull up before, I’ll have to do some research on how to make that happen. Let me know in the comments below if you have any tips!

The FUN goals!

I won’t be tracking my fun goals on the blog but like to share them at the start of each year.

  1. Singing Lessons.  Horrible…I’m horrible at singing. Since I sang a few sentences of my stand-up comedy routine last year, I thought I would finally tackle this short-coming. Ultimately, I’d love to write a comedy musical routine to perform at open mic night and not embarrass myself! If you are wondering, my inspiration for this is Mark Lowry (here’s his classic video, “I can eat it all” https://youtu.be/lRPPrS7kCVQ) and Andy Samberg.
  2. Knife Throwing. Don’t worry, I already bought a pair of steel toe boots!
  3. Europe trip. Haven’t planned much out yet but we are thinking of going to Scotland, Spain and Helsinki Finland since my brother is living there currently.
  4. 12 Hikes. I am determined to hit this goal after I failed so miserably at my 24 hikes goal in 2019.  Redemption goal.
  5. Read 12 books. Another redemption goal. I always enjoy reading when I actually get around to sitting down to read.
  6. Practice Chinese weekly. I was studying daily and then got a bit burnt out. A weekly Duo-lingo session should help me keep up on Mandarin but not be too overwhelming.
  7. Perform 12 speeches at Toastmasters. Although speaking can be stressful, it is still fun to share ideas with the group and get to practice this skill.

For Discussion:

What are your 2020 goals?